
Wellness app that harmonizes health and habitat

Interaction Design, Business Design
Case study

Elf is a body-environment wellness app that seeks to support the connection between environment health and body health by offering personalized suggestions about indoor environmental improvements and behavioral change.

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A' Design Award International Design Award European Product Design Award

Using real-time environmental and healthdata, Elf coaches and nudges the user about actions they could take to theirindoor environment to improve their everyday wellbeing. Through conversationalUI and gradient colors, the user is guided to intuitively understand keyenvironmental qualities that are influencing how their body feels and performs.

Elfcatalyzes social and environmental benefits by simplifying data interpretation,promoting smarter home management, and improving lifestyle habits. It enhancesphysical and mental health while heightening environmental awareness, fosteringa return to body-environment synergy. The community feature encouragescollective healthy behavior engagement, and its data-driven insights lead tohealthier living environments. Commercially, Elf taps into the sustainabilitytrend with routines supporting passive heating and cooling, reducing energy useand promoting eco-friendly practices that are win-win for both the body and theindoor environment.