
Educational adventure game for human biology

Immersive Experience, Multimedia Art, Interaction Design
Case study

Viruscape is an immersive video game designed to promote a more systematic learning of human health concepts around COVID-19 and to advance medical literacy for the general public.

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ACM CHI Play, New Art City

In Viruscape, we leverage the unexploited potential of such software to create interactive virtual worlds and gameplay experience to promote a more systematic learning of human health concepts and advance medical literacy for the general public. Viruscape immerses players in a microscopic world through the “eyes” of viruses whose goal is to defeat the human immune system. We translate the relevant immunology mechanisms into game play mechanisms that players learn to master, while providing a unique and interactive gaming experience. Future development of the game could focus on involving diverse users and health experts in co-design or consultation sessions and customizing the game world to represent players’ real-world health condition. The concept of Viruscape can be used to further develop parallel episodes of the game that feature other human health mechanisms such as other types of infection, heart disease or cancer.